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Choreo Bits from
[B] 8-Chain / Box Formation
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

 Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
    [B]        0         5         1         2         3         4
    v v       g B       B g       B B       g g       g B       B g

    ^ ^       B g       g B       g g       B B       g B       B g

    v v       g B       B g       g g       B B       B g       g B

    ^ ^       B g       g B       B B       g g       B g       g B
[0B] Norm 8-Chain Thru Formation   flow neutral: after TrdBy or C-PasTh
    --RLT   [0B]  (see [0B] flow after RLT below)
    --DivTh [0P]
    --StrTh [0L]
             G-UTurn [1W]  (like Curlique)
    --StepW  G-Trd    --Recyc [0B]
             --SpChT (G-Cir#) [5W]
    --DoSaD  --ToWav [0W]  (flow for FanTp, AcDcy, etc.)
             "look her in the eye" [0B]
             --StrTh [0L]  (get folks used to facing after DoSaD)
             --RLT   [0L]
    --SwThr [5W]
             G-Cir   [5W]
    --SqTh3 [0T]
             --CtsyT [0B]  (feels like RLT)
    --PsTTC [0P]
    --8Chn# (even #) [0B]
             --BxGnt [5B]  (nice hand use)
    --8Chn# (odd #)  [0T]
    --8Chn4 "...and a half" (--Balnc) [0W]
    --PasTh [0T]
    "arch in the middle"--PasTh  --TrdBy [0B]  (gimmick)  -Bill Eyler
    C-Sp2A1 [5L]
             --ComIn  --SqTh2 [0B]
                      --PsOcn [0Q]
                      --SldTh [0P]
    --CtrIn  --SHing  B-Run    C-Trd    --Cpl.C [1F]
    (try above line without SHing and/or with G-Run instead of B-Run)
    --CtrIn  C-Run   [5L]  (like Sp2A1)
             C-Trd   [1L]
             C-XFold [0P]   (unusual traffic pattern)
  !          --Ca3/4  C-TrnTh  --Ca3/4 [0L]
             --Ca1/2  C-Run   [0L]  (call extention NOL)
    "Are you ready?"  --VeerR [L.0F]
    --BxGnt  --SwThr [0W]
             --SpTop [0TW]
             --T1/4  [2W]
  ! --SeSaw  --ToWav [L.0W] ("SeSaw to a L-H wave")
    E-Arch,  C-DivTh "arch don't forget CalTw" [0M]  (gimmick)
   Plus - - - - - - - - -
    --SCirW (B-Trd)  [5W]
             --AcDcy [5W]
    --StepW  --TrdWv [L.0W] ("make a wave and trade that wave")
    --StrTh  --&Roll  --SwThr [0W]  (feels like SingleWheel)
  !                   --FanTp [5TW] (balanced flow and hand use)
    --T1/4   --AcDcy [2W]
  !          --ExpWv [4LO]
                      --WhlDl  --&Sprd [0L]
                      --3/4Tg  B-FaceR [0D]
    --SqT@3 (--Balnc)[0W]
             --SwThr [5W]  (= RLT SwThr)
    --SCir3 [2W]
    --LSwTh  --LHing  --&Roll [0B]  (converts L-H to R-H free)
  ! --RLT    --&Roll [2W]  (hard to Roll individually after CtsyT)
  ! --PsTTC  --&Roll  C-PsOcn  A-GrSwT [0TW] (E are facing for GrSwT)
  ! --RollA  --&Roll "B use L..." --Scoot  --&Roll [L.0C] (t-bone)

[0B] Norm 8-Chain Thru Formation   flow from H/S-LeadR
    --VeerL [0F]
             --ChDTL [0L]  (better flow than ChDTL after Cpl.C)
    --Cir2L [0L]
    --T1/4  [1W]
    --SwThr [5W]
    --4Cir1 [0L]
    --4Cir2  --VeerL [0F]
    --FltWh [0B]  (tight)
    --SwThr [5W]
             G-Cir   B-Run  --BendL [0L]  (flow whips G around)
    --BW.GD [5C]
  ! --DoSaD  --VeerL
[0B] Norm 8-Chain Thru Formation   flow from RLT
    --VeerL [0F]
             --ChDTL [0L]  (better flow than ChDTL after Cpl.C)
    --Cir2L [0L]
    --FltWh [0B]  (tight)
    --HSash [5B]  (tight)
    --LStar [0B]/[0P]  (ending formation depends on next call)
    G-"shake right hands and Pull By on a diagonal" [0C]
  ! --DixiS [L.0TW]  (very tight - teaches square breathing)
  ! --GW.BD [L.5C]
  ! --1/4Mr [0TF]
[5B] Sash 8-Chain Thru Formation
    --SwThr [0W]
             B-Cir  --Recyc [0B]  (ideal flow for Recyc)
    --StrTh  --CalTw [0L]
             --UTurn [5L] "you're facing in!"   (works like like Pass In)
    --BxGnt (--RLT)  [0B]
             --8Chn# [0B]/[0T]
             --SwThr [5W]
             --SqTh# [0LO]/[0T]
             --T1/4  [1W]
  !          --FanTp [0TW]
    --StepW [5W]
            (B-Trd)   B-Run [0F]
  !         "Hey boys!" --LSwTh [0W]  (flow for FanTp, AcDcy, etc.)
    --SpTop [0TW]
    --T1/4  [2W]
             B-RunR  [0L]
    C-Sp2A1 [0L]
             --BendL [0L]
    --CtrIn  C-Run   [0L]  (similar to Sp2A1)
    --TrnTh  C-LTrnT  --CtrIn  --Ca3/4 [0L]
   Plus - - - - - - - - -
    --SCirW [0W]  (flow for FanTp, AcDcy, etc.)
    --SldTh  --&Roll [0B]
    --T1/4   --&Roll [0B]
                      --FanTp [0TW]
  ! A-"centers part"-LoadB [0LO]
    "you're all centers"-LoadB [0LO]  -Mike Kellogg
    --SCir3 [1W]
[1B] 8-Chain Thru Formation - G centers
    --StrTh [L.0F]
             B-TrdL   --Cpl.C [L.0F]
                      --BendL [0L]   (nice belle forward flow)
    --T1/4  [5W]
             --LSwTh [0W]  (flow for FanTp, AcDcy, etc.)
    --LT1/4 [L.0W]  (flow like DixiS)
    --StepW [1W]
    --SwThr [4W]
             C-Trd   [2W]
    --PsTTC [2P]
             C-RvFlt [2P]  "he goes!"
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --SwThr  A-Roll  [0P]  "because EVERYONE can after their part"
[2B] 8-Chain Thru Formation - B centers
    --StrTh (G-Trd)  [0F]
    --T1/4  [0W]  (flow for FanTp, AcDcy, etc.)
    --StepW [2W]
    --PsTTC [1P]
             C-FltWh [1P]  "she goes!"
    "at the same time"-B-SldTh, G-PasTh  G-T1/4  [0F]  (call quickly)
                                         G-SwThr [0D]
[3B] 8-Chain Thru Formation - Sash centers
    --T1/4   --SpltC [5W]
             C-Trd    B-Run   [0L]
    --LT1/4  C-Trd    G-RunL  [0L]
    --DoSaD "with same sex" [3B]
             --PasTh  --TrdBy  DoSaD "with same sex" (gets everyone)
    G-T1/4,  B-SldTh  (simplified same sex SldTh - same as T1/4)
    B-LT1/4, G-SldTh  (simplified same sex SldTh - same as LT1/4)
  ! A-SldTh  (with same sex, C end facing) C-PasTh  --Ca3/4 [0L]
[4B] 8-Chain Thru Formation - Sash ends
    --SwThr  B-Run   [0L]
    --T1/4   --SpltC [0W]
    --DoSaD "with same sex" [4B]
  ! A-SldTh (with same sex. C facing out)
             E-PasTh [0LO]
             C-Trd   [0L]