OVERVIEW    B  C  D  F   I   L   LO   M  P  Q  QB  QF  R  RB  RF  S  T  TF  TL  TW  W    NOTATION
  In-Facing       Out-Facing       IN-verted       OUT-verted  
Choreo Bits from
[LO] Lines Facing Out
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

 Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
    [LO]       0         5         1         2         3         4
  ^ ^ ^ ^   B g B g   g B g B   B B g g   g g B B   B g g B   g B B g

  v v v v   g B g B   B g B g   g g B B   B B g g   B g g B   g B B g

     Note: Arrangements for [LO] not specified by Callerlab
           Arrangement derived from [L] after PasTh

[LO] (any arrangement)

  Convert any previous flow to neutral flow...
    --FwdBk  (fun after [5B] StrTh - expose those who aren't sure)
      "dance forward out and back"
      "dance back to the middle and bump your buns"
      "bumpers to bumpers dance in to the middle and back"  -Andy Shore

  Easy to track arrangement through this combination...
    --1/2Tg  --SpltC   normal-lines to normal-waves,
                       sash-lines to sash-waves
                       B/G-together-in-lines to B/G-together-in-waves
                       BGGB/GBBG to "Scoot Back"-waves

[0LO] Norm Lines Facing Out (flow after PasTh)

    --BendL [0L]
  !          --WhlDl [0M]  "think behind you - Which couple goes in front?"
    --WhlDl [0P]
             C-WhlAr [0B]  "hello outside couple!"
             C-CtsyT "to face the outside couple" [0B]
             C-LSqT3 [0B]  (ready with right hand)
             C-FltWh [0P]
             C-LSwTh  C-LTrnT [0B] (ready with right hand)
             C-Sweep-  -PsOcn [0Q]
                       -T1/4    -Wk&Dg [0B]
                       -LeadL [0B]
    --CalTw [0L]
             --RvFlt [0L]
    --PtTrd [0L]
    LrTrd   [0L]  (gimmick after several LrTrd from waves)
    --Tag_I [5L]
    --Tag_O [0LO]
             --BendL [0L]
             --WhlDl [0P]
    --Tag    --Clovr  C-TrnTh [0B]
                      C-SwThr [0Q]
             --FaceO  --BendL [0L]
             --CtrOu  --BendL [0L]
    B-Run   [1W]
             --SHing (C-Trd)  [5W]
             G-UTurn [0L]  (like a reverse WhlAr)
             G-Fold  [4P]  (nice flow, two uncommon formation changes)
                      --DPT    --FaceR [0F]
             G-TrdDL [0L]  (confusing for G's)
  ! G-RunL   --LHing [L.5W]
                      --ChDTL [0L]
             B-UTurn [0L]  (like WhlAr)
  !          C-XRun   C-Trd   [1W]
    E-Fold  [5B]
             --SwThr [0W]
    B-TrdDL  --SHing [L.0W] (same flow as after DixiS)
    G-TrdDL [2W]
             --SHing [0W]
    C-Fold   --SldTh [0L]  (far apart)
    G-Fold  [2B]
             --SldTh  --Cpl.C [0F]
             --T1/4  (C-Trd)  [0W]
             --LT1/4  --ChDTL [0W]
    B-Fold  [1B]
             --T1/4  (C-Trd)  [5W]
             --SldTh  --Cpl.C [L.0F]
             --PasTh  --TrdBy  --T1/4   [0W]
    C-Run    "new"-C-Trd [1L]
    --1/2Tg  "and we're looking for a wave"
             --SwThr [1W]
             C-Trd   [1W]
    --Ca3/4 [0L]
    --Ca1/2  --BendL [0L]   (gimmick - same as Ca3/4)
    --Ca1/4 [0LO]
             --WhlDl [0P]
    --FaceR [0C]
  ! C-Fold  [0B]  (wide)
  ! C-XRun   C-XRun  [0L]
             C-Trd   [5L]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --Tag    --PeelO [0L]
             --PtTrd-  -&Roll [0L]
    G-RunL   --TrdWv [1W]

[0LO] Norm Lines Facing Out (flow after Wk&Dg or B-Run)

    --PtTrd [0L]
    --CalTw [0L]
             --RvFlt [0L]
    --"face your partner" [0B]
    B-Fold  [1B]
             --StrTh "take little step ahead" --Cpl.C [L.0F]
             --PasTh  --TrdBy  --T1/4 [0W]  (flow for FanTp)
    B-TrdDL [L.2W]  "you find 'em"
             G-RunL  [0L]
             --LHing [L.0W]  (same flow as after DixiS)
    --FwdBk [0LO]  (break flow to allow BendL, WhlDl, etc.)
    G-UTurn [2W]
    A-UTurn [5L]
    B-FwdBk  A-WhlAr
    --FaceR [0C]   (pronounce clearly - may sound like ChasR)
   Plus - - - - - - - -

[5LO] Sash Lines Facing Out

    --TagI  [0L]
    --Tag    --CtrIn  --Ca3/4 [0L]
    --1/2Tg [2W]
             --SwThr  B-Run   [0L]
    E-Fold  [0B]
             --DivTh [0P]
             C-Trd   [0P]
    --FaceR [5C]
             B-RunR  [0B]
    --UTurn [0L]
    --HSash  --CtsyT [0L]
  !          --WhlAr [0L]
    B-"take a peek"-TrdDL [1W]
                           G-"take a peek"-TrdDL [0L]
    G-RunR   B-RunR  (--RLT)  [0L]
             --SHing [0W]
                      --FanTp [0TW]
    C-Trd,   E-UTurn [1L]
    C-Trd    C-Run    --BendL [2L]
    E-Run    C-Trd    --BendL [1L]
                      --WhlDl [1P]  (unexpected nice flow)
  ! C-XRun   "new"-C-Trd   [0L]
  ! --WhlAr  --HSash [0L]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --3/4Tg [3R]
             C-SwThr, O-Trd   [0Q]
             E-Clovr, C-SpTop [0Q]

[1LO] BBGG Lines Facing Out - "as couples normal" (flow after PasTh)

    --WhlDl [1P]  (G centers)
    --Tag   [0M]
    --1/2Tg [0W]
             G-Trd   [0W]
             --A8Cir [0W]
             --SHing  --Wk&Dg [0LO]
  !          --FanTp [0TW]
    --BendL  --1/2Tg [5W]
    G-PtTrd [1F]
    E-Fold   --DivTh  C-TrnTh [0B]
                      C-SwThr [0Q]
    E-XFold [0B]
             C-Trd   [0P]
    C-XFold [0B]  (wide)
    C-XRun   C-Trd   [1L]
             C-XRun  [1L]
    C-Run    E-Fold  [0M]
  ! "while..." G-Tag_I,  B-Cpl.C [1L]
    B-XFold  "G stand still"-B-PasTh [1LO]  (nice flow for WhlDl, Tag)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --Tg3/4  O-Trd   [0Q]
             O-FaceR  --D.Cir  --Cut.D  --&Roll [0P]
    --WhlDl  G-Roll   G-Ca3/4 [1P]
  ! --XFire [0Q]  (closest to standard for this unusual usage)

[1LO] BBGG Lines Facing Out (flow after CtrIn)

    --Ca3/4 [1L]
    --Ca1/2 [2L]
    --Ca1/4  --WhlDl [2P]
    C-Trd    E-Run   [0L]
    C-Clovr  "new"-C-Clovr [0P]
             "new"-C-Trd-   C-SldTh [0P]
    B-Ca3/4, G-Ca1/4 [2F]
             G-BendL [1L]
    C-Run  "new"-C-Trd [5L]
    <pause>  --Tag   [0M]   (pause is to break flow - fun w/ arms akimbo)
                      --CtrIn [1L]  (new folks are centers this time)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --Ca1/2  --&Roll [0P]

[2LO] GGBB Lines Facing Out - "as couples sashayed"

    --WhlDl [2P]
             C-PasTh  --T1/4 [0W]
    --1/2Tg [5W]
    --TagI  [1L]
    --Ca1/2 [1L]
    B-Trd   [2F]
    --BendL  --Tag   [0M]
             --1/2Tg [0W]
  ! C-Run  "new" C-Trd  [0L]
  !        "new" C-Fold [0P]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    A-PtTrd  --&Roll  --SwThr  B-Run  [0L]
  ! --Ca1/4  --&Roll [0P]

[3LO] BGGB Lines Facing Out - G centers

    --TagL  [L.0F]
    B-Fold  (same as E-Fold) [1B]
             --T1/4 [5W]
    G-Fold  (same as C-Fold) [2B]  (ends far apart)
             --T1/4  --FanTp [0TW] (nice to start wide and end tidal)
    --1/2Tg [1W]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --3/4Tg [2R]  (wave of B)
  ! --XFire [1Q]  (wave of G)

[4LO] GBBG Lines Facing Out - B centers

    --TagR  [0F]
    G-Fold  (same as E-Fold) [2B]
             --T1/4 [0W]
    --1/2Tg [2W]
    --BW.GD [1M]  (gimmick - B step out of line, G slide in behind)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --3/4Tg [1R]  (wave of G)
             B-FaceR [0D]
    --WhlDl  --&Sprd [0L]
    --PtTrd  B-Roll   G-PsOcn [1Q]
    B-Run-    -&Roll  G-Trd-   -&Roll [1P]
  ! --XFire [2Q]  (wave of B)