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  R-H       L-H  
Choreo Bits from
[R] R-H 3/4 Tag Formation
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

When you get to this formation say: "we're looking for a wave in the middle and couples facing out"

 Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
    [R]        0         5         1         2         3         4
    ^ ^       B g       g B       B B       g g       B g       g B

  ^ v ^ v   B g g B   g B B g   g g g g   B B B B   g B B g   B g g B

    v v       g B       B g       B B       g g       g B       B g

[0R] Norm 3/4 Tag formation

    E-Trd   [0Q]
    C-SwThr  C-TrnTh [0M]
    C-TrnTh  --CtrIn  --Ca3/4 [0L]
    C-SwThr, E-Clovr, C-SpTop [0Q]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    E-Trd-    -&Roll, C-Expl& [5L]
                               A-PasTh [5LO]
    C-SwThr, E-Trd-    -&Roll, C-SpTop  --GSwTh [0TW]

[5R] Sash 3/4 Tag formation

   Plus - - - - - - - -
    E-Trd-    -&Roll, C-Expl&  A-RLT   [0L]
    C-SwThr  A-Trd-    -&Roll  A-StrTh [0QF]

[1R] 3/4 Tag formation - wave of G

    B-FaceR [0D]

[2R] 3/4 Tag formation - wave of B

    G-FaceR [5D]

[3R] 3/4 Tag formation - sash wave

    C-SwThr, O-Trd   [0Q]
             C-TrnTh  --CtrIn  --Ca3/4 [0L]
    E-Clovr, C-SpTop [0Q]
    C-TrnTh [0M]

[4R] 3/4 Tag formation - norm wave, sash couple

   Plus - - - - - - - -
    A-Trd-    -&Roll  A-StrTh [0QF]


Alternate ways to designate - in 3/4 Tag formation.


  • center wave...
  • let's have the wave...
  • wave of girls(boys)...
  • Ends:

  • Lead couple
  • Outside pair