OVERVIEW    B  C  D  F   I   L  LO  M  P  Q  QB  QF  R  RB  RF  S  T  TF  TL   TW   W    NOTATION
  R-H       L-H  
Choreo Bits from
[TW] R-H Tidal Waves
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

 Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
   [TW]        0         5         1         2         3         4
 ^v^v^v^v   BggBBggB  gBBggBBg  BgBggBgB  gBgBBgBg  BBggggBB  ggBBBBgg

     Note: Arrangements for [TW] not specified by Callerlab
           Arrangement derived from [L] after StepW

"Its a biggie"
"Catch a big one (...a wave, that is!)"

[0TW] Norm Tidal Waves   (flow neutral)

    --RLT   [0L]
    --PasTh [0LO]  ("step thru")  (avoid saying Extend)
  ! --SldTh [0B]

[0TW] Norm Tidal Waves   (flow after A-TrdR)

    ?-TrdL  [0TW]  (setup flow for SwThr, SpTop, etc.)
    G-TrdL  [0TW]
    C6TrdL  [0TW]
    --FanTp [0W]
    C6LHing  C6Cir-1-1/2  B-SHing  F-PasTh [0T]
  ! --PsOcn [0W]  (like Advanced call Lockit)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --GLSwT [5TW]
    --ExpWv [0T]  ("explode each wave")
    --Expl& [0B]
  ! --TrdWv [L.0TW]  ("trade each wave")

[0TW] Norm Tidal Waves   (flow after SpTop / C6-Trd)

    --SHing [0C]
             G-UTurn [0B]
    --SwThr [5TW]  "Don't mess around in the middle there girls"
             VCTrd   [5TW]  "since you want to anyway"
    --Recyc [0L]
    --SqTh3 [0LO]
    --SqTh4 [0T]
    B-Run    B-Trd    --Cpl.H  LrWhlAr [0L]
  !                            A-WhlAr (G-Trd)  [0F]
  ! --SpTop [5W]
  ! C4SpTop, E-SHing- -GUTurn [0Q]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --GrSwT [5TW]
  !          --&Sprd  --GrSwT [L.0W]  -Vic Ceder
  ! --LnCyc [0B]
  !(--RearB) --LoadB [0B]
  ! C4SwThr C6GrSwT "4 RIGHT, 6 left" A8GrSwT [5TW]
  ! C4SpTop, E-Expl&-  -PingP [0Q]
  ! VCLHing  "waves of 3"-SwThr  B-"facing diamond"-D.Cir  B-Cut.D [4TW]

[5TW] Sash Tidal Waves   (flow neutral)

    --PasTh [5LO]  ("step thru")  (avoid saying Extend)
  ! --SldTh [0T]
  ! G-Fold   B-SwThr, G-SldTg [2Q]
    B-Run   (G-Trd)  [0TF]
             G-Hinge [0TD]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    G-Fold   --PeelT [0W]
             --Ext   [L.2W]
    G-XFold  A-PasTh  "G you'll Ca3/4"  G-Ca3/4, B-PeelT "Go!" [0F]
  ! G-Fold-   -&Roll [L.0D]
  ! C4SwThr C6GrSwT ("RIGHT!") A-GrSwT [0TW]

[5TW] Sash Tidal Waves   (flow after A-TrdR)

    ?-TrdL  [0TW]
    C6TrdL  [0TW]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --LGSwT [0TW]  "start with a L, then everybody"  (flow for FanTp, etc.)

[5TW] Sash Tidal Waves   (flow after SpTop / C6-Trd)

    B-RunR   --Cpl.H [0F]
             --WhlDl [0L]
                      --PasTh  --WhlDl [0P]
  !!                  --WhlDl  (2 in a row!)
    --SHing [5C]
             B-Run   [0B]
    --Ca3/4 [0C]
    --SpTop [0W]
    --TrnTh [0LO]
             --CTsyT [0L]
    E-SHing- -BRun [0I]
  ! --SwThr [0TW]   (many dancers will do GrSwT)
  !          VCTrdL  [5TW]  (since they really want to!)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --SHing  --&Roll [0L]

[1TW] Tidal Waves - BGBG - "concentric normal"

    C4SwThr [0TW]
    --SwThr [4TW]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --GSwTh [4TW]

[2TW] Tidal Waves - GBGB - "concentric sashayed"

    --SHing  B-Run   [0P]
    B-Run   [0TL]
    --SwThr [3TW]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --GSwTh [3TW]

[3TW] Tidal Waves - center wave of G

  ! --SHing  --Wk&Dg  --TrdBy  --SwThr B-Run   [0L]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --GrSwT  B-Run   [L.0TL]
  ! C4SpTop, B-Expl&  --PingP [2Q]
                      --Ext   [1W]
  ! --SpTop  B-Sprd   E-Fold  [0P]

[4TW] Tidal Waves - center wave of B

    --SHing  --Col.C  B-Run   [0P]
             --Wk&Dg  C-SwThr, E-Trd   [0Q]
    --Ca3/4  --Col.C  B-Run   [0P]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --GrSwT  B-Run   [0TL]
    C4SpTop, G-Hinge  F-PasTh  C-WhlDl, E-UTurn [0P]
  ! C4SpTop, G-Expl&  --PingP [1Q]
                      --Ext   [2W]