Teaching Order
-- Special thanks to Andy Shore who unknowingly contributed substantially to this teaching order, since he is our local caller. (!)
Intro night #1 Choose a sex - plan to stay with it CirL, CirR "Just walk to the music - you're dancing!" Handholds Ladies palm down "show your ring, darling", Boys palm up Gentle pressure SF.Pr Prom CirR > SF.Pr > "B step up" Prom DoSaD Face partner DoSaD Face corner DoSaD AL (from ring only) "turn your back on your partner" RLG (after AL only) Squares: Home Heads, Sides Couple number Cpl#1, turn back on your partner, walk forward around the square pass your partner on the other side of the square *R shoulders* and stop at home then Cpl#2, then 3 then 4. then #1 and #3 (head couples), pass 3 R shoulders then #2 and #4 (side couples) Stars G/B-Star R/L H/S-Star R/L G-StarL "find your partner" DoSaD "your partner" PromH B-StarR "pass your partner by, look for your corner" AL "your corner" G-StarR "to your partner" B-"reach in" CtsyT "your partner" "all the way around to look back in" Thank your square Cir1/2 Pr1/2 H/S-Star 1/2 (to get back home) H-FwdBk H-DoSaD "with the one you are facing" PasTh "like 1/2 DoSaD - pass right shoulders and end back to back with them facing out" H-PasTh "to your left" Pr1/2 "till you get back home" CtsyT "she walks forward, he backs up, all the way around to look back in" G-StarR 1/2 "B CtsyT this G all the way around to look back in" 4LChn "A chain links 2 parts: Star + CtsyT" G-RStar 1/2 "and a" CtsyT "all the way to look back in" H/S-2LChn 4LCh3/4 "you have a new parner" G are heads when with H boys "keep this G" Prom Singing call "G get to go home with every B, B get to take every G home with them" "You will dance with different partners during the song. If you pay attention and dance well, you'll get your partner back at the end" "Ignore extra words of song that are not square dance calls" IAGSDC SFGrSq Class #1 LeadR VeerL Center handhold Cpl.C BendL (from [0F]) B/G-Cir E/C-Cir BendL (from [0LO]) Class #2 LyIMS CalTw Your Partner (capital P) vs the partner beside you (temporary partner" AL (from [0T]) "Look for your original partner" OH/OS-CalTw to give [L.F] or [L] Cpl.C from [L.F] BendL from [L.F] B/G-Cir from [L.F] E/C-Cir from [L.F] StrTh "with the one you're facing" Class #3 DivTh RollA (ring) RollA (facing couples) UTurn RLG from facing partner Same sex together in lines Handholds in lines SqThr 1...4 Class #4 WhlDl from [LO] SepA1 SepA2 SepA1 ComIn SepA2 ComIn Class #5 RLT TrdBy WhlDl fron [F] Sp2A1 BxGnt WWGrd R.PBy (with the partner) Class #6 Feris WlkAC "All Around The Left Hand Lady" DoPaS ALTAT SlipC Class #7 StepW (ocean waves) SwThr from R-H waves {designated}-Cir from waves {designated}-Run from waves {designated}-Trd from waves {designated}-Run to end in waves A-Trd from waves SwThr from L-H waves LSwTh from R-H and L-H waves Class #8 DPT T1/4 Col.C {designated}-Run from columns {designated}-Run to end in columns {designated}-Trd from R-H columns A-Trd from R-H columns "Leaders" "Trailers" DoSaD - with Highland Fling styling DoSaD to an ocean wave ALIAS Balnc SwThr - from Alamo wave LSwTh - from Alamo wave Class #9 Zoom A8Cir (all arrangements) PsOcn (all arrangements) RvFlt Ext RLG from waves Class #10 Extensive review of Run, SwThr, Cir ALTAT Weave Styling Class #11 FLNR Cir2L WhlAr SwThr from facing couples (facing couples rule)