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Mainstream Ring Figures

Rich Reel   23 Apr 2000

  Most Ring Figures use Basic calls - see Basic Ring Figures


  --ALIAS --Balnc --SwThr(--Balnc)--SwThr  --TrnTh "find your corner" --AL
  --ALTAT --LHing B-RunR  --AL    --Swing! --Prom
  --AL "give a R to ptr, G swing in" --WWThr B-Run --Prom   (intro to WWThr)
  ....WWGrd "meet partner" --SldTh  --LyIMS  --CirL.... (all across circle from partner)

  --ALIAS --SwThr --RHing B-Trd "through the middle to partner" --RLG
  --ALIAS --SwThr --Ca3/4 G-StarL "half way" B-RunR "around your G" Prom


Add to the begining of many figures for variety...

  --WlkAC --"L and R Grand" --CtsyT  (like all 4 couples RLT)
                            --SldTh --CirL


Longer Figures...

Familiar figures with a twist...

Red Hot...
  --WlkAC --DoPas --AThar --Shoot ...
      "go red hot" --TrnTh --TPtrL --FullT --TCnrR --AThar --SlipC  ...
      "go ice cold" --AL --TPtrR --FullT --LTrnT --R.PBy --AL --RLG

SpChT from Thar...  -Mike DeSisto
! --ALIAS --SwThr --SpChT cue: "1/2 by the R, everybody 3/4 by the L, ...
      all 4 B in the center star 1/2 by the R (2 spots), ...
      everyboby cast L 3/4, check an Alamo Wave" --SwThr --RLG