Rich Reel 20 Mar 1999
Thank your square variations
- National 'proper': Join hands, bow inward, lowering hands then back out, raising hands while saying "Thaaaaank YOU!"
- National 'friendly': Put Arms around (hug) the backs of your corner and partner, bow inward and back out while saying "Thaaaaank YOU!"
- Gay standard: Place R wrist over L wrist at waist level with R palm down, L palm up, join hands with partner and corner, bow, then turn out under the arm arch while saying "Thaaaaank YOU!"
- Gay SoCA: same as above, but afterwards, reverse and turn back in under the same arch to end facing in saying "very much!" Hug everybody.
The origin of this is the Japanese dancers, one of whom visited the See-Me Squares about a month ago. At this point, I don't know if it will catch on and stick, but I think there's a good chance that it will. -- Paul Waters 9/24/98
- Karla: Put both hands palms down toward the center (aim low at a spot on the floor) and wiggle your hands up and down "shake hands"
- Sweden: With R hand, point at the floor in the center (R shoulder in), then all together raise hands up and at the very end, flip wrist up (index finger points straight up) while saying "Thaaaaank YOU!"