Get-ins - Opening Call Ideas from [S]

Rich Reel   24 Feb 2002

Add variety right from the start! . . .


Get-ins to:   ZL ZERO LINE [L1p]   ZB ZERO BOX [B1c]   LRB LEAD RIGHT BOX [B4c]
Get-in Equivalents:   Heads/Sides:     SqTh4     SqTh2     LeadR     LeadL
Other Get-ins:   Standard Arrangements   Non-standard Arrangements

How do I read this?   In the sections below, each line of calls (going across) starts the dancers from a static squared set and moves them to the setup indicated.

These get-ins emphasize Standard Applications


Square Thru 4 Equivalents
[B1c]   "ZERO BOX"   ZB
    Heads or Sides... Help! - How do I read these abbreviations?
    T1/4-  -BRun
    StrTh-  -CalTw
    RLT-    -SqTh2
            -StrTh   -PasTh
            -PsOcn  --Ext (or StepT)
            -RollA-  -StrTh
    2LChn-  -LeadL  (L hand or VeerR expected)
    FlutW-  -Sweep-  -PasTh
    RvFlt-  -Sweep-  -PasTh
  !         -LeadL
    BxGnt-  -SldTh
    LT1/4- -GRunL   (nice setup for R hand)
    SwThr-  -SpTop  --Ext (or StepT)
    SldTh-  -SqTh3  (L hand free)
    SldTh-  -LSqT3  (R hand free)
  ! DixiS-  -Recyc-  -PasTh
    Couple#1 Split Couple#3 SepA3 "lines of 3"-FwdBk- -StrTh- -CalTw
    SqTh4  --BxGnt  --SqTh4  E-Fold
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    T1/4-  -GRun-    -SCirW  --Ext (or StepT)
    PasTh-  -ChasR-  -SHing  --Ext (or StepT)
    StepW-  -LnCyc-  -PasTh
  ! SldTh-  -SqT@3  --Ext
  ! SqT@2-  -TrdWv  --Ext (or StepT)
  ! MovIn-  -Trd-    -&Roll   -PasTh


Square Thru 2 Equivalents
    Heads or Sides... Help! - How do I read these abbreviations?
    StrTh-  -PasTh
    PsOcn  --Ext (or StepT)
    RollA-  -StrTh
    2LChn-  -T1/4-   -Wk&Dg
    RLT-    -FlutW-  -Sweep-  -PasTh
            -DixiS-  -Recyc-  -PasTh
    RvPr2-  -RvFlt-  -Sweep-  -PasTh
  ! SpTop-  -SwThr  --Ext (or StepT)
  ! DixiS- -BXRun   --Ext (or StepT)
  ! GW.BD-  -LHing- -BXRun   --Ext (or StepT)
    Couple#1 Split Couple#3 SepA3 "lines of 3" FwdBk-  -StrTh  ?-TrdBy
    - - - - - - - - - -
    StepW-  -ExpWv   (L hand free)
  ! SqT@4-  -TrdWv  --Ext (or StepT)
  ! LSq@2  --Ext (or StepT)


Lead Right Equivalents
    Heads or Sides... Help! - How do I read these abbreviations?
    T1/4-   -Wk&Dg
    RLT-    -LeadL   (L hand, VeerR expected)
    2LChn-  -SqTh2   (R hand free)
            -SldTh-  -PasTh
    PsOcn- -GTrd    --Ext (or StepT)
    RvFlt-  -SldTh-  -PasTh
    StrTh-  -RvFlt-  -PasTh  (tight)
    FltWh-  -T1/4-  -BRun    (a lot of flow to the R)
  ! BxGnt-  -SpTop  --Ext (or StepT)
  ! BW.GD-  -SHing  --Ext (or StepT)
  ! DoSaD-  -FanTp  --Ext (or StepT)
  ! FanTp  --Ext (or StepT)
  ! SpTop-  -TrnTh   (L hand free)
    - - - - - - - - - -
    DixiS-  -TrdWv  --Ext (or StepT)
    GW.BD-  -LHing-  -TrdWv  --Ext (or StepT)


Lead Left Equivalents
    Heads or Sides... Help! - How do I read these abbreviations?
    PsOcn-  -Recyc-  -PasTh
            -SwThr-  -TrnTh   (L hand free)
    FltWh-  -SqTh2            (R hand free)
            -StrTh-  -PasTh
    RvFlt-  -T1/4-  -BRun
    RLT-    -PsOcn  VCTrd    --Ext (or StepT)
  !         -FanTp  --Ext (or StepT)
    T1/4-  -GRun-    -SwThr  --Ext (or StepT)
    LT1/4-  -Wk&Dg   (nice flow into many R-H calls)
  !        -BRunL-   -SwThr  --Ext (or StepT)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    RLT-    -DixiS-  -TrdWv  --Ext (or StepT)
    PsOcn- -GRun     -BHing-  -FlipD  Ext (or StepT)
    SqT@3-  -T1/4-   -Wk&Dg


[L1p] Get-ins
[L1p]   "ZERO LINE"   ZL
H- = Heads or Sides and S- = Sides or Heads Help! - How do I read these abbreviations?
    H-LeadR  --Cir2L
             --4Cir3    (4 join hands CirL 3/4)
             --StrTh  --RLT    --2LChn
             --T1/4   --Wk&Dg  --CalTw
                      --SpltC  B-Run
             --SwThr  B-Run    --BendL
                      --SHing  B-Run
             --FltWh  --SldTh  (tight)
             --RLT    --VeerL  --BendL  (marginal flow)
             --VeerL  --BendL  --RLT    (marginal flow)
                      --WhlDl  --Sweep
                      --1/2Tg  --Wk&Dg  --PtTrd
                               --SpltC  B-Run
             --BW.GD  B-Run    --SldTh
             --SldTh  --PasTh  G-RunL   --LHing  --ChDTL
    H-SqTh2  --SwThr  G-Cir    B-Run    --ChDTL
    H-RollA, S-LeadR  --SwThr  B-Run
    H-RLT-   --RollA, S-LeadL  --SwThr  B-Run
    A-Prom-  --DontS  H-WhlAr  "you've got lines"
    H-T1/4-   -Wk&Dg  --VeerR (--Cpl.C) --BendL  (marginal flow)
    H-RLT-    -DixiS-  -StepT  --Cir2L [0L]  (or "Left PasTh" from L-Wave)
    HBLendR  --Cir2L("Circle up 3") HGPasTh "Right Around 2"  -Vic Ceder
    HGCh3/4  SBRollA  C6FwdBk  HBLeadR  --Cir2L ("Circle up 4") -Vic Ceder
  ! H-T1/4-   -Wk&Dg  A-CirR   --1/4    --FwdBk (call quickly, enunciate)
  ! H-DixiS  --Ext    --LHing  --Wk&Dg  --WhlAr

   Plus - - - - - - - -
  ! H-FanTp  --Ext    --Recyc  --SldTh
                      B-Run    B-Trd    --BendL
    H-PasTh  --SepA2  --T1/4   --Col.C  --Trd    --&Roll
    H-LeadR  --SpTop  --SHing  --&Roll  --RLT
  ! H-SCirW-  -FanTp  --Ext    --A8Cir  --SwThr  B-Run   --RLT
    Tip:   Try an equavalent for these first calls:  H-SqTh4  H-SqTh2  H-LeadR  H-LeadL


Lead-ins to Other Standard Arrangements
H- = Heads or Sides and S- = Sides or Heads Help! - How do I read these abbreviations?
    H-2LChn, S-FltWh [0S] (these 2 motions blend)
    H-RLT,   S-....  [0S] (reduces standing time)

    H-SldTh [0P]
    H-RLT-    -RollA-  -StrTh  --DivTh [0P]
    H-T1/4-   -Wk&Dg- "make an arch"-DivTh [0P]  (call quickly)

    H-TrnTh-  -SepA1 [0L]
              -SepA2  --StrTh [0P]
              -Clovr, S-PasTh  A-SwThr  B-Run [0L]
    H-BxGnt-  -PasTh           (any above after H-TrnTh)
              -SqTh3           (any above after H-TrnTh)
    H-PasTh-  -HSash           (any above after H-TrnTh)
    H-SwThr-  -StepT           (any above after H-TrnTh)
    H-RLT-    -RollA-  -PasTh  (any above after H-TrnTh)
   (--4LChn) H-RollA  H-PasTh  (any above after H-TrnTh)
    H-FwdBk- H-BW.GD-  -Wk&Dg  (any above after H-TrnTh)
  !(H-RLT)   H-GW.BD-  -Wk&Dg  (any above after H-TrnTh)

    H-PasTh-  -SepA1  A-SldTh [0P]
                      A-PasTh  --Tag   [0M]
                               --1/2Tg [0W]
              -SepA2  --BxGnt (--RLT)  [0L]
              -Clovr, S-RLT   [0P]
                      S-PasTh [0B]
    H-SqTh3                    (any above after H-PasTh)
    H-RLT-    -CtsyT-  -FullT  (any above after H-PasTh)
    S-RLT,   H-CalTw-          (any above after H-PasTh)
    H-PsOcn- SHing- Wk&Dg      (any above after H-PasTh)
  ! H-SwThr-  -TrnTh           (any above after H-PasTh)

    A-RollA  H-PasTh  --SepA2 [0L]
             H-SqTh4  --Sp2A1 (--BendL)[0L]
    H-PasTh  S-MovIn-  -StrTh  A-TrdBy [0B]
    H-RLT,   S-Face   A-BxGnt [0L]
    H-RLT-    -1/4Mr (VCG-Trd) C-Tag  "S.F. G go L, B go R Around 1" [0L]
    --4LChn  H-RollA  --CirL   B-FwdBk  B-PsOcn  --Ext    B-Run [0L]
    H-PsOcn  --Recyc [0P]
    H-PsOcn  "just B Ext to a G"  A-Recyc [0P]   (gimmick)
    H-SqTh4, S-CalTw [0M]
    H-SqTh4, S-Face-   -StrTh [0M] (CtrIn)
    --CirL   "Heads!" H-SqTh4 [0B]  (may be at odd angles)
    A-"face your corner" --PasTh  --StrTh [0S]
                                           H-"at the S position!"-...
    H-LeadR  --4Cir2  --DivTh [0P]
    HBLeadR  --Cir2L ("Circle up 3") HGTrnTh- SF.Pr "left" Arnd1 [0L]
  ! H-FlutW, S-Pr1/2  H-Sweep [0P] (disorienting)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    H-PsOcn  --PingP [0Q]
    H-StrTh  --&Sprd  A-StrTh [0P]
                      S-RollA [0L]
    H-StrTh  A-CalTw  --Trak2 [0W]
    H-T1/4   -GRunR   --DPT    --PeelO [0L]
                               A-Trd    --&Roll [0L]
    H-T1/4   --&Sprd, S-PsOcn  --D.Cir  --Cut.D  --&Roll [0P]
                                        C-SwThr  O6Cir   [0D]
    H-PasTh-  -Trd-    -&Roll  --DPT    A-Trd    --&Roll [0L]
    H-PasTh-  -Clovr  --&Sprd  A-StrTh [0P]  (= H-PasTh SepA1)
    H-LeadR  --VeerL  --XFire [0C]
    H-SCirW-  -SpTop [0Q]
    H-StepW-  -Expl& [0P]
              -LnCyc [0P]
    H-RollA-  -"centers part"-LoadB [0B]
    H-BxGnt-  -LoadB, S-Pr1/2 [0B]
   (--4LChn) H-RollA  --CirL   B-FwdBk  B-T1/4- -&Sprd, G-PsOcn [0D]
  ! H-Pr1/2, S-PsOcn, "H find your ending spot" H-Roll  --D.Cir  O6Cir  [0D]
  ! S-Face   --GrSwT [0TW] (gimmick)  -Dave Wilson
             A-SCirW [0TW]
  !          A-SCir3 [0C]
    H-T1/4   G-PasTh  C-RLT  C-"make an arch, back up"  C-Wk&Dg [0B]
  ! H-SqT@4-  -TrdWv [0Q]
  ! H-DixiS  SBRun    C6Cir    G-LSwTh, OFB-Run --Ext  G-RunL [0L]


Lead-ins to Non-standard Arrangements
H- = Heads or Sides and S- = Sides or Heads Help! - How do I read these abbreviations?
    H-PasTh-  -SepA1 [1L]
              -SepA2 [5L]
              -SepA3 [1L]   gimmick
    H-BxGnt-  -BkAwy, S-PsOcn-  -SwThr [5Q]
                      S-SpTop [5Q]
    H-PsOcn  CGRun    C-WhlDl [3P]
    H-SqTh4, S-CalTw  --CtrIn [1LO]
    H-RLT-    -1/4Mr  G-PasTh  C-SwThr, O-Hinge, C-SpTop [5TW]
                                        OGRun   [5Q]
                               C-SwThr  B-PasTh  C-WhlDl [5T]
    H-T1/4   G-PasTh  C-PsOcn, E-SHing [5TW]
  !          G-T1/4   A-Wk&Dg  B-SqTh2 [4LO]  (t-bone Wk&Dg)
                               B-T1/4-   -Wk&Dg [4LO]
    --4LChn  H-RollA  --CirL  [1S]
    H-TrnTh  --Clovr  S-TrnTh [5B]  (L-H free)
    H-2LCh3  HBLT1/4  --&Sprd  6-DoSaD  --ToWav [L.TW]
  ! H-PasTh  H-Run "around the S who move in and..."-SldTh [5L]
  ! H-LT1/4  B-T1/4   A-Wk&Dg  G-T1/4-   -Wk&Dg [3LO]  (t-bone Wk&Dg)
  Plus - - - - - - - -
    H-BxGnt-  -FanTp [3Q]
    H-StrTh  --&Sprd [1L]
    H-PsOcn-  -ExpWv  --SepA1 [1L]
              -SHing   -&Roll [3P]
    H-SldTh- --SCirW [3Q]
    H-PasTh-  -Trd-    -&Roll [3P]
    H-RLT-    -&Roll-  -Wk&Dg [3B]
   (H-RLT)   H-RollA  H-StrTh  --&Sprd  --SHing  C-Trd   [1L]
                                        C4PasTh  --Ca3/4 [1L]
  !          G-T1/4   A-Wk&Dg  B-SwThr  --Cut.D  G-PsOcn [0D]
  !                            --LoadB  --T1/4  (C-Trd)  [0W]
    H-PasTh  A-StepA  --TrdBy  --&Roll [I.L sash magic box]
                                        E-PasTh [5LO] (flow for WhlDl, etc.)
    H-T1/4   G-T1/4   A-Wk&Dg  A-LoadB [2B]  (t-bone Wk&Dg and LoadB)
  !!H-LT1/4  B-SldTh  C-Cir "straight ahead" A-FYNbr [L.5D]  (t-bone FYNbr)


Tip for writing cards:   If you are near the end of your card and you see what could be a neat get-out if only the dancers were rearranged a little bit... remember you can go back and change the first few opening calls to shift dancers around to help make your resolve work.