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  R-H       L-H  
Choreo Bits from
[L.F] L-H 2 Face Lines
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

"up hill couples"

 Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
   [L.F]       0         5         1         2         3         4
  v v ^ ^   g B B g   B g g B   g g B B   B B g g   B g B g   g B g B

  v v ^ ^   g B B g   B g g B   B B g g   g g B B   g B g B   B g B g

     Note: Arrangements for [L.F] not specified by Callerlab
           Arrangement derived so WhlDl gives [B] or Feris gives [P]

[L.0F] Norm L-H 2 Face Lines

    --Feris [0P]  "up hill"
             C-WhlAr [0B]
             C-FltWh [0P]
             C-Sweep-  -PsOcn [0Q]
                       -T1/4    -Wk&Dg [0B]
  !                    -LeadL [0B]
    --BendL [0L]   (nice G-forward flow)
   (B-Trd)   B-Run   (G-Trd)  [0W]
                      --FanTp [0TW]
   (B-Cir)   --Ca3/4 "B forward, the G backs up" [0L]
    --WhlDl [0B]
             --VeerR [L.0F]
  !          "Reverse"--Cir2L [0L]
    --Cpl.H  --BendL [0B]
             --WhlDl [0L]
    --VeerL "back to back" [0T]
    OFWhlAr "to make lines" [0L]   (G-forward flow)
    IF2LChn "on the diagonal", O-CalTw [0L]  (gimmick)
  ! A-WhlAr [0F]  (initial confusion with WhlDl is toward correct direction)
    G-Cir    A-WhlAr [0F]  (easier)
  ! G-RunL   --ChDTL
             B-UTurn  (G-Trd) [0F]  (call very quickly)
  ! --FanTp  --WhlDl [0L]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
   (B-Trd)   B-Run    --AcDcy [0W]
    --Feris  --&Sprd "new"-C-RollA [0L]
  ! G-XFold (B-Trd)   --PeelT [0TW]  (standard arrangement for PeelT)
    --BendL  --&Roll [5C]
    --Cpl.H  --&Roll  B-PasTh  --T1/4 [0TW]

[L.5F] Sash L-H 2 Face Lines

    --BendL  --HSash [0L]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --BendL  --&Roll [0C]
  ! --AcDcy  --&Sprd [L.0F]
             --HSash  --BendL [0L]
  ! --XFire [L.5C]

[L.1F] L-H 2 Face Lines "boys in the front row"

   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --WhlDl  --&Roll [0W]
    --Feris  B-Roll,  G-SwThr [0D]
  ! --1/2of-  -Cpl.C  VCTrd    VCRunR, B-BendL-  -&Roll [0D]
  ! --Cpl.C  --&Roll  "not everyone can!" A8Cir B-Twice --&Roll B-Run [0P]

[L.2F] L-H 2 Face Lines "girls in the front row"

[L.3F] L-H 2 Face Lines "norm in the front row"

[L.4F] L-H 2 Face Lines "sash in the front row"