OVERVIEW    B  C  D  F    I    L  LO  M  P  Q  QB  QF  R  RB  RF  S  T  TF  TL  TW  W    NOTATION
  R-H       L-H  
Choreo Bits from
[I] L-H "I"   ("I Beam")
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

  Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
    [L.I]       0         5         1         2         3         4
  >       < B       g g       B B       B g       g B       g g       B
   ^ v ^ v   g B B g   B g g B   g g g g   B B B B   B g g B   g B B g
  >       < g       B B       g B       B g       g g       B B       g

     Note: Arrangements for [L.I] not specified by Callerlab
           Arrangement derived from [I] after center wave TrdWv

[L.0I] Normal L-H "I"

    C-Recyc [S]  use any [S] get-in but use C and E rather than H and S
    C-RLT   [S]   "   "
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --PingP [L.0I]
    C-ExpWv [0B]
    C-Expl& [0P]

[L.5I] Sash L-H "I"

    C-PasTh- --SepA1 [0L]

[1I] L-H "I" - wave of G

    G-SpTop [L.1Q]

[2I] L-H "I" - wave of B

    B-SpTop [L.2Q]

[3I] L-H "I" - norm couple

    C-SpTop [L.0Q]

[4I] L-H "I" - sash couple

[L.1I] or [L.2I] or [L.3I] or [L.4I]

    C-Recyc  A-JoinH  --CirR  G-FwdBk  *
                              B-FwdBk  *
    * Use any [S] get-in but use G and B rather than H and S